Sean Tan, HTX Assistant Chief Executive (Programmes), has been promoted to the rank of Military Expert 7 (NS), making him the first NSman to reach the rank, which is equivalent to Colonel.
We asked Sean how he felt about his promotion, his role in the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF), and what inspires him here at HTX.
The interview below has been edited and condensed.
Q: How do you feel about your promotion? What is your role in the SAF?
A delightful surprise! I’m grateful to the SAF for recognising the effort and work that has been put in. This promotion is for my family, who understands why I serve and supports me to do what I need to do. I’m also thankful for my team of Army comrades who have supported me through the years.
In the SAF, I’m the Brigade Commander of the Combat Service Support Brigade that provides medical, supplies, ammunition, maintenance, and personnel replacement, to sustain the operations. The brigade has a few thousand soldiers. I ensure that the brigade and battalions are operationally ready, soldiers’ welfare is taken care of, the units are cohesive and have a high commitment to defence.
In addition, I see the grooming and raising of future generations of competent commanders as a key responsibility. This is necessary to ensure that the units remain ready and relevant for operations.
Q: Could you share with us more about your NS experiences and work at HTX?
There are many similarities between what I do in the SAF and HTX. People management, for example. Both jobs involve working with people from various backgrounds, cultures, and expertise. To lead them well, given their diverse personalities and goals, I have to first understand what motivates them and mould them into teams.
Another is the Mission – the purpose of why and what we do is clear. The threats that we deal with are clear and present.
One value that I have inculcated being in the SAF is Empathy, which also happens to be one of HTX’s values.
There was a case several years ago, when I was asked to sentence an NSman to the Detention Barracks for missing his annual IPPTs. I talked to the soldier and what I found out was quite heartbreaking. He was the sole breadwinner working three jobs to support his family and elderly parents, and was under great financial stress. He could not even find the time to rest, let alone train for the IPPT.
Hence, it was perfectly understandable that he did not take the IPPTs. It wasn’t safe for him to take the physical tests as well, as he had not conditioned his body through systematic training. My commanders and I managed to put up the case to reduce his punishment. A small group of us also trained together with him and he eventually passed his IPPT. Some of us helped him to get better paying jobs to help alleviate his financial burden and chipped in with daily necessities for his family. It was a very fulfilling and defining journey for us.
Q: What drives you here at HTX?
The mission of HTX inspires me every day. Nothing is more meaningful than doing real and tangible work that truly matters.
HTX is an integral part of the Home Team. We are using science and technology (S&T) to force multiply and transform our Home Team’s capabilities. As ACE, I get to be involved in the capability delivery for the entire Home Team – to solve crimes, save lives, protect borders, and ensure safety and security.
What I also find inspiring at HTX is the team. During COVID, many have shown kindness, care, and concern for one another. I’ve seen many colleagues stepping up to fill in for tasks and rallying each other on during our super busy periods – they have been inspirational in encouraging those around them, even without knowing. I’m blessed to be in HTX.
Read more about Sean’s speech at the recent Milipol Asia-Pacific 2022: HTX Shares Science & Tech Strategies for Homeland Security