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[FEATURED NEWS] Showcasing Singapore’s homeland security science and technology at Milipol Paris

Milipol Paris 01-minVisitors to Milipol Paris 2023 easily spotted the Singapore Pavilion! (Photo: HTX)

HTX led a delegation of Xponents and our industry partners, ST Engineering, Singtel and NCS, to showcase a selection of Singaporean homeland security solutions at the Singapore Pavilion at Milipol Paris 2023

Milipol Paris, whose 2023 edition took place from 14 to 17 November, is a renowned international event dedicated to homeland safety and security. With over 1,100 exhibitors from 48 countries, Milipol Paris 2023 featured 17 international pavilions, including Singapore’s.

Milipol Paris 02-minConstructing the Singapore Pavilion at the Paris-Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre. (Photo: HTX)

Milipol Paris 03-minIt took a lot of careful effort from craftsmen to set up the exhibits. (Photo: HTX)

The Singapore Pavilion, which had the theme “Exponentially Impacting Singapore’s Safety and Security”, profiled selected cutting-edge homegrown homeland security innovations across five domains – solving crimes, securing borders, saving lives, safeguarding public spaces, and seeding innovation.

WhatsApp Image 2023-11-22 at 2.43.24 PMSingapore's Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law Mr K Shanmugam (front row, third from left), France's Minister of the Interior Mr Gérald Darmanin (front row, fourth from left), and Côte d'Ivoire's Interior and Security Minister General Vagondo Diomande (front row, second from left) visiting the Singapore Pavilion. (Photo: HTX)

Milipol Paris 05-min
Assistant Chief Executive (Programmes) Sean Tan delivering his keynote speech at Milipol Paris. (Photo: HTX)

Milipol Paris 06-minPriscilla Koh (left) from Sense-making and Surveillance Centre of Expertise sharing with a visitor how AI is used for marine rescue. (Photo: HTX)

Milipol Paris 07-minDerek Chong (left) and Leow Khim Han (right) from Human Factors and Simulation Centre of Expertise inviting visitors to try the Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Simulation! (Photo: HTX)

Milipol Paris 08-minDr Wong Swee Liang (right) explaining how AI is used for Unknown Psychoactive Substance Screening. (Photo: HTX)

Milipol Paris 09-minChua Jeun Kee (left) and Melvin Low (right) from Biometrics and Profiling Centre of Expertise with the Next-Generation Clearance Concept. (Photo: HTX)

Milipol Paris 10-minThe Indoor Micro-UAV is ready to be flown! (Photo: HTX)

Milipol Paris 11-minPeng Chongtian (left) from Robotics, Automation & Unmanned Systems (RAUS) Centre of Expertise explaining the Insect-Hybrid Robot to curious visitors. (Photo: HTX)

Milipol Paris 12-minOng Ka Hing (right) from Robotics, Automation and Unmanned Systems Centre of Expertise shared the insect-hybrid robot with former Mediacorp actress Sharon Au (left). (Photo: HTX)

Why did HTX attend Milipol Paris 2023? HTX Chief Executive Chan Tsan explained, “As HTX works to enhance the Singapore Home Team’s Science and Technology capabilities, it is important that we look to the international stage and work with other leading government agencies and industry players.”

He also shared, “By bringing our key local industry partners to Milipol Paris to showcase Singapore’s transformative S&T solutions on the international stage, we believe we can better engage and expand our networks of partners and grow Singapore’s homeland security ecosystem.”

Milipol Paris 15-minCE Chan Tsan (right) and IDEMIA CEO and President Pierre Barrial (left) signed a Strategic Partnership for Innovation agreement on the sidelines of Milipol Paris. (Photo: HTX)

DSC03000CE Chan Tsan (right) with Pierre-Yves Buquet (left) and Bertrand Barbe (centre) from Civipol. (Photo: HTX)

Milipol Paris 16-minDeputy Chief Executive (Development) Ng Yeow Boon (second from right) with a group of visitors. (Photo: HTX)

The Singapore Pavilion was a prelude to the inaugural Milipol Asia Pacific – TechXSummit 2024 to be held in Singapore next year. Organised jointly by HTX, GIE Milipol, and Comexposium under the auspices of Singapore’s Ministry of Home Affairs and France’s Ministry of the Interior, this landmark event will bring together top Government officials, operational experts, industry leaders, and academia to discuss the latest solutions, strategies, and challenges; share technological trends; and foster greater collaboration within the international homeland security community.

Milipol Paris 17-minCome join us next year at the Sands Expo for Milipol Asia Pacific – TechX Summit 2024! (Photo: HTX)