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[FEATURED NEWS] HTX deepens partnerships with German industry and academia

Published on 20 September 2022
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(Seated from left to right) HTX Chief Executive Chan Tsan and Rohde & Schwarz President & COO Mr Peter Riedel at the MOU signing ceremony on September 14, 2022. The ceremony was witnessed by HTX Chairman Mr Chew Hock Yong (standing). (Photo: Rohde & Schwarz)

HTX Chairman Mr Chew Hock Yong recently led an official trip to Germany in September to deepen engagement and partnerships with German industry and academia partners, including Rohde & Schwarz, Technical University of Munich, BMW, and Hensoldt.

A highlight of the trip was the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) by HTX and Rohde & Schwarz, a market leader in wireless communications and radio frequency test and measurement, to cooperate on science and technology innovations and translate them into operational capabilities. 

The MOU was signed by HTX Chief Executive Mr Chan Tsan and Rohde & Schwarz President & COO Mr Peter Riedel on September 14, 2022. HTX Chairman Mr Chew Hock Yong, who is concurrently Permanent Secretary (Home Affairs Development), Ministry of Home Affairs, witnessed the signing ceremony, which was held at Rohde & Schwarz office in Munich.

The HTX delegation at the Rohde & Schwarz office in Munich on September 14, 2022. (Photo: Rohde & Schwarz) 

Dominik Hettich from Rohde & Schwarz explaining innovations on counter-drone technology to the HTX delegation. (Photo: HTX/ Mok Shao Hong)

The HTX delegation also visited the Technical University of Munich, BMW HQ and R&D Centre, and Hensoldt where they were briefed on new projects and technologies being developed. 

Prof. Dr. Rudolf Gross from the Technical University Munich's Department of Physics and director of the Walther-Meißner-Institute (WMI) sharing about WMI's R&D in quantum technologies with the HTX delegation. (Photo: HTX/ Caleb Wong) 

The HTX delegation being briefed on BMW’s transformation and innovation at the BMW HQ and R&D Centre (Photo: HTX/ Caleb Wong)

The HTX delegation together with representatives from German defence technology company Hensoldt in front of a vehicle that integrates sensors for officers to have situation awareness of the environment, while remaining protected inside the vehicle. (Photo: Hensoldt)

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