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Mr Aubeck KAM Tse Tsuen
CHAIRMAN; Permanent Secretary (Development), Ministry of Home Affairs; Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Social & Family Development

Mr CHAN Tsan
CHIEF EXECUTIVE; Deputy Secretary (Development), Ministry of Home Affairs
Mr HOONG Wee Teck
Commissioner, Singapore Police Force

Mr YAP Wee Teck Eric
Commissioner, Singapore Civil Defence Force
Mr SIM Wai Meng Marvin
Commissioner, Immigration & Checkpoints Authority

Ms SHIE Yong Lee
Commissioner, Singapore Prison Service
Mr ONG Pang Thye
Vice Chairman, Singapore Business FederationChairman, Audit Committee and Chairman, Sustainability Committee, Singapore Power Limited

Ms Janet ANG Guat Har
Chairman, Singapore Polytechnic; Chairman, Public Transport Council; Former Nominated Member of Parliament
Prof CHONG Tow Chong
University Professor and Director, Temasek Labs, Singapore University of Technology and Design

Ms Carmen WEE Yik Cheng
Founder and CEO, Carmen Wee & Associates
Mr Richard KOH Chin Kiong
Chief Technology Officer, Microsoft Singapore

Mr CHANG Yew Kong
Chairman, Management Committee, WizVision
Mr THAM Kok Leong
Partner (Head of Technology & Corporate Intellectual Property Practice), Allen & Gledhill LLP

Ms CHEW Seow-Chien
Senior Partner (Head of Banking Practice, Asia Pacific), Bain & Company
Ms Gwenda FONG Su-Yi
Deputy Secretary (Digital Society and Development), Ministry of Digital Development & Information

Prof LUI Pao Chuen
Temasek Defence Professor, Temasek Defence Systems Institute, National University of Singapore
Mr Prithvi Suresh RAI
Founder and CEO, Borneo Data Pte Ltd