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HTX turns one

Launched in December 2019, HTX has had a memorable year of pushing the boundaries of science and technology, and playing a crucial role in supporting Home Team Departments involved in COVID-19 operations.
Published on 14 December 2020
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Launched in December 2019, HTX has had a memorable year of pushing the boundaries of science and technology, and playing a crucial role in supporting Home Team Departments involved in COVID-19 operations.

(Video: HTX)

Though HTX officers were not able to celebrate the agency’s first birthday together physically, HTX’s Chairman Mr Chew Hock Yong and Chief Executive Mr Chan Tsan shared their hopes and wishes for the agency at a virtual celebration.

HTX Chairman Mr Chew Hock Yong (Photo Credit: HTX)

“We should strive to develop an innovative culture where ideas are piloted, implemented and trialed without fear for being penalized. This will allow us to transform operational concepts and effectively force multiply the Home Team,” said Mr Chew. 

HTX Chief Executive Mr Chan Tsan (Photo Credit: HTX)

“Today, HTX manages around 850 projects across the Home Team, oversees 270 Home Team buildings and infrastructural facilities, operates and sustains 300 over systems, more than 100,000 ICT endpoint devices, 3,000 vehicles and 110 vessels. Whichever team or unit you are in, know that you are contributing to a much larger cause and HTX is making a big impact,” said Mr Chan. 

“In order to effectively force multiply the Home Team, HTX must itself become a team for which the collective is greater than the sum of our individual parts. We have to become One HTX,” he added.

We are always seeking inquisitive and innovative individuals to co-create extraordinary solutions with us.

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